An experienced private chef prepares a delicious array of food: Mmm…what’s that scrumptious smell?! Nothing quite brings people together like a private meal.
From gathering around bonfires to enjoy the spoils of their hunt to gathering around stylish tables laden with fine china and exotic foods, dining together has been at the center of most gatherings in every culture in the world.
The pandemic has put a damper on restaurant dining as people are concerned about exposing themselves to other diners. This has further fueled an already booming private chef industry and an increase in requests for private chef services. People still want to gather and dine together, but they’re looking for safer ways to do it.
Are you interested in hiring a private chef in Los Angeles? What do you need to consider before hiring one? Find out everything you need to know here.
What Is a Private Chef?
First off, let’s define what we’re talking about here. What is a private chef?
A private chef is typically hired by one household or institution as a full-time employee. They are tasked with planning and preparing savory meals according to their employer’s desires. Many employers may have special diets or specific dietary needs that the chef must adhere to when preparing the meals.
Meals are prepared in the employer’s kitchen and private chef positions often come with room and board as the chef lives on-location. They may also travel with their employer on vacations or other excursions.
Aside from preparing tantalizing food and drinks, the private chef usually also handles grocery shopping, and cleans up after each meal.
Difference Between a Personal and Private Chef?
There is another term you may have heard — personal chef. While these terms are often used interchangeably, a personal chef is a different side of the same coin.
Personal chefs usually run their own businesses and do not work for a single employer. They may prepare food for several different clients in the same week, although usually not on the same day. They also tend to work out of the commercial kitchens to ensure that they meet the state’s health standards and other regulations.
In contrast, private chefs are dedicated to the specific needs of one employer. They are specifically in tune with their clients taste palettes and can make bespoke meal recommendations based on experience working directly with you. Think of a private chef as someone able to drive forward your own dietary goals. They are your in-house culinary teammates!
Why Should You Hire a Private Chef?
The benefits of hiring a private chef are many and (for the most part) obvious, but let’s explore them a bit here in case you’re on the fence.
Saves You Cooking Time
Today’s professionals lead busy lives. Work pressures, family commitments, social engagements, and more are keeping people on their toes. On average, food preparation can take hours of your day when you consider the time spent grocery shopping, preparing the food, and cleaning up afterward. That time could be better spent on things that are critical to driving forward your personal endeavors.
Healthy Meals
While takeout can be a great option for speeding things up, it isn’t always the healthiest option. However, a private chef will prepare wholesome, healthy, delicious meals to fuel your passion.
Scrumptious Creations
Another detriment to consumer ‘fast meals’ is that they may not always be the most delicious meals you’ve ever tasted. You can slap together a sandwich with deli meat and sliced cheese for lunch, but it will never be as scrumptious as a nutritious sandwich piled with various types of deli meats and gourmet cheeses with lettuce, tomato, and avocado on a multigrain baguette that a private chef would prepare!
Critical Considerations when Hiring a Private Chef
As there are many benefits of hiring a private chef, there are also many considerations you must consider.
First and foremost—safety in the hire is essential! You will be welcoming a private chef into your home. While the vast majority of them are completely trustworthy, thieves have been known to pose as private chefs and other domestic staff who gain access to your home.
Healthy Conduct
You also want to be 100% sure that the food is safe to eat. Private chefs should follow strict sanitary practices and know how to handle delicate foods such as raw seafood safely.
Variegated Experience
If you want your private chef to provide a variety of dishes including different ethnic foods and unusual flavors to experience, you’ll need a chef with a varied background. If you like to stick with a simple menu, this point won’t be as necessary. However, if you’re going to hire a private chef, you might as well experiment a little!
Delectable Taste
Not every chef you find on the Internet actually knows how to cook. Dishes can appear mouthwatering on Instagram, but when you sit down to discover the soup is too salty or the brisket is bland, you won’t be nearly as impressed.
Hiring the Best Private Chefs in Los Angeles
So, how do you find a great private chef in Los Angeles? If you’re looking to hire one full-time, it might be worth your while to search for chefs, conduct interviews, request sample meals, and go through all the steps to vet the individual yourself.
But, seriously, who has time for all that? The whole point of hiring a private chef is to save time (and enjoy delicious, healthy meals at the same time).
Allow us to introduce our private chefs here at the Seaside Staffing Company. We take all the work out of finding a private chef whether you want one full-time, part-time, for a short-term position, or a one-time event. With decades of industry experience behind us, we vet each chef to ensure they meet our standards for offering you a superior experience.
All you have to do is give us a call! Start your culinary adventure today!