Create a Nanny Portfolio
Many nanny referral agencies are now asking their candidates to create a portfolio that can be used as a guide for showcasing skills, talent, awards, accomplishments, goals, and long-term plans. Even if you didn’t have the opportunity to create a portfolio before, it’s not too late. Ultimately, you want to be able to accurately display your skills and talents based on your experiences within the field, not just your educational accomplishments. The more experience you have in your field, the bigger and better the presentation of your portfolio will be.
Before you send out your nanny resume, take a day or two to creatively put together a portfolio. We suggest including the following items:
- An updated nanny resume, that lists your Goal/Objective, your education listing the dates you attended school, your previous positions you have held and what you did in them and the time frame you were employed. (Remember it looks better to have longevity with your positions, especially in the field of childcare, due to continuity of care for the children.)
- Copies of all certificates and diplomas. (Current CPR/First Aid, and Trustline, [] if registered in the state of California)
- Letters of recommendation.
- A list of 3-6 references to call.
- A few paragraphs detailing how you think others see you and why. Let the potential interviewer know what you think your references will say about you when the agency or parents call and get a reference for you.
- Future plans and goals. What are your future plans and do you want to work as a career nanny? Do you plan to return to college? What other things do you want to do with your life? Make sure you focus on positive things!
- Pictures of you and your charges. Parents and agencies love to see you “in action” with your little ones! For example you might have pictures of you implementing an art project, a day out at the beach or park, a cooking project… the list is endless!
- If you have been to school for Early childhood Education, or you have already received your teaching credential, parents and agencies love to see your school work, or lesson plans that you have personally created and can implement.
There’s no right or wrong way to create a portfolio, as these are just suggestions, however it’s a great opportunity to spend a few days really reflecting on the awesome set of skills you have as a nanny/childcare provider. Everything you have learned in life from the time you were a child, are all skills you can bring to your new position. Keep it simple but thorough!