You know you’re living the
Nanny life when…
- You use the term “potty” off the job.
Picture this: you’re on a date with someone you’re really into, and you catch yourself saying, “Sure, I’ll pick out a dessert… but I have to go potty first!” Ouch. Yes, it’s impossible to avoid such a slip up when you spend 40 hours a week with a toddler, but now your date thinks you have the vocabulary of a five year old. Not a good first impression. #Nannylife
- You hear phantom baby cries.
If you don’t hear phantom baby cries, then you hear every other kid in the neighborhood (due to your finely tuned ears of course). It wouldn’t be a big deal if your immediate reaction weren’t one of sheer panic and terror, until you realize that you’re off duty. #Nannylife
- You know the pain of wearing a sleeping baby while simultaneously having a full bladder.
Enough said! #Nannylife
- You heat up your coffee at least three times every morning before you can finish it.
Then one of the kids usually knocks it over so you end up not being able to drink any of it anyway. #Nannylife
- You find random pieces of food in your hair.
I mean, how does it even get there? We should all seriously consider wearing hair covers during lunchtime. #Nannylife
- You spend an hour packing snacks, then you forget them at home.
The crackers had the perfect amount of peanut butter on them and the fruit was cut into star shapes. You still ended up going to Vons and eating the peanut butter out of the jar. #Nannylife
- You’ve volunteered to be the DJ at the party, and the vibe is just right. Then “do your ears hang low” or “Baby Mozart” comes on.
Confused looks from new acquaintances ensue. #Nannylife
- You point out every tractor, truck, plane, boat and motorcycle you see on the highway.
Kids in car, or not. #nannylife
- You’ve been out in public and discovered you have snot on the front of your jacket.
You tried to wipe it with the designated cloth, and somehow in their attempt to dodge it they managed to wipe their nose on your jacket instead. #Nannylife
- You keep running out of storage on your phone –
Because everything they do is so cute!
Rochelle Tobey is a nanny, personal assistant, writer, and musician living in Southern California. Her focus in life and in her writing is to help and inspire others to live the life they want and, most importantly; smile.