Interested in Becoming a Seaside Nanny?
Many candidates that are new to Seaside Nannies usually are looking for a job right away. We look at this as a process and sometimes it can take some time. As we try to introduce you to our clients in the most efficient manner, sometimes the fit is just not right. This is why we feel it is important that prior to asking to be sent out to a new position you should ask yourself some of the questions below.
Abbreviations in our Job Descriptions:
FT Full Time
PT Part Time
WAHM or WAHD Work at Home Mom or Work from Home Dad
SAHM or SAHD Stay at Home Mom or Stay at Home Dad
DOE Depends on Experience
TBD To Be Determined
HM/PA House Manager
Charge Child you are Overseeing
Principal Employer
Is This Job Position Right for Me?
- How will the commute will be for me?
- Would it be worth driving to and from work?
- How much gas and time will take me to get there?
- Are there parks in this neighborhood?
- How far is the library?
Work hours and schedule:
- Are those hours enough for me?
- Can I accommodate the family’s schedule with my personal life?
- Can I commit for this amount of hours?
- Will it disrupt my school schedule?
Number and ages of children:
- How many children can I handle?
- Am I going to be able to take care of a newborn and a toddler on a long day basis?
- How can I work with twins and a preschooler?
Job description:
- Drive the kids? Whose car will I be using? Gas reimbursement?
- Cook? Clean? Laundry? Beds? Errands? To what extent?
- Will I be able to do all those things and take care of the kids?
- Am I prepared to perform the duties stated in the job description?
Family’s philosophy and life style:
- Are they healthy and active?
- Do they have pets?
- Do they travel a lot?
- Are they smokers?
- What is their parenting style?
Pay and Benefits:
- Will the offered wage be compatible to my lifestyle and cover all of my expenses?
- How much will I be taking home after taxes are taken out?
- What is Gross pay? What is Net pay?
- How about benefits? Vacation, paid holidays, hours guaranteed, medical, dental and 401k?