Is it Money, Power, Prestige, Fame, Recognition, Accomplishments, Love?? Here is an excellent exercise to make you think about what really does motivate you…
What Motivates You??
- Write something you loved doing at the top of the page. You can think about your age ranges from preschool through college years and what you loved doing during each of those years and make a list from that. Something you loved doing should be what you spent your available time and lost track of all worries while doing it.
- Describe your fantastic career and don’t hold back.
- Write what you see happening 5 years from now.
- Write what you see happening 10 years from now.
- Expand list above by starting each sentence with “What I loved most about…” on the left margin.
- Write the insight you gained and what your writing taught you about yourself. You can do it one by one or lump them all together.
- Repeat above steps for each item on your list in #1 above.
- Now review “What I loved most about….”
- Find the reoccurring themes as they will give you insights into what motivates you.
You need to choose a career that fits these motivations for you to be happy and successful.
Ziya G. Boyacigiller